Claude Traks
Official Website
If everyone made the same choices you did, where would humanity be?
Finding the cause of causes to heal the being and Humanity
Revelations and Secrets you won't find Anywhere Else!
Welcome Home !
We bring you the Apocalypse (which means Revelation), the Key to understanding the logic of the world.
and find his place!
The revelation is that the so-called "patriarchal" culture is the exact opposite of an evolving culture, Divine in the fertile sense, ideal for Life and diversity. The majority of your sufferings and those of this planet come from
of this culture.
Indeed, every injunction of this culture is there to create avoidable suffering.
The same goes for all the spiritual ways of New Age 1.0 that only paint the prison pink by putting our defender of life, our anger and our sadness to sleep.
"Man is naturally born good and happy, it's society that corrupts him and makes him unhappy."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
But then ask ourselves, what in society corrupts him...?!
Ever since you were born, you've been lied to!
But it's been so long since these lies have been passed down from generation to generation that hardly anyone knows they're lies anymore. The only way you can get out of this, if you are one of the few people who still have questions,
is to get your thinking machine working again!
Thinking is not the same as watching yourself think!
You have to recreate with your will an Ariadne's thread, a sequence of logical reasoning that gradually raises your soul.
Don't fall into the trap of denying knowledge and intellect, because without knowledge you remain slaves!
The closer you bring your Consciousness to the way the world works, the closer you get to the flow of life
and the more it increases your powers!
Consciousness is the greatest force I know!
But you must look for bugs in the reasoning of THE Key yourself, because the more you understand its right side,
the faster your inner evolution will be accelerated!
Everything I'm proposing is logical and therefore understandable if you can get your thinking machine working again!
We are reintroducing the Religion of Understanding.
A religion where we all connect with each other from within.
Instead of smiling, read the summary of this message
...because he has an unassailable logic...
1/ Whether you are an "atheist" or a "believer", be aware that a great part of your suffering comes from our culture, the foundations of which are always those of the religions. THE KEY is to become aware and to understand intellectually that ALL the ways of life and beliefs of the so-called "patriarchal" cultures are systematically the opposite of an evolving culture in harmony with life. If you take the time to reflect on this, you will understand that our culture contains within it the seeds of avoidable destruction and suffering that "flourish" today". Click on this link to understand how ALL lifestyles inspired by patriarchal religions create avoidable suffering.
2/ If you are a believer and are looking for "the state of mind of the divine", then don't you find that an essential question that almost nobody asks is: "If beings with divine consciousness regained control on Earth, what would it change to our way of life?"? How is it possible that almost nobody asks that question???? Does people are living dead incapable of asking themselves questions?
3/ Yes, I affirm that almost everyone is wrong except us! "We" are those who assert that Christian culture and all patriarchal cultures are profoundly perverse and deadly! We are far from being alone, but most of those who think like us are hiding, because rejection is unimaginable.
I also go further and say that 99.9999% of religious, spiritual, shamanic and new age teachings are dangerous experiences from which most souls never come out! And on this site I explain why. They are all traps that keep souls in prison. These teachings and techniques of so-called healings are there so that people no longer hear the cries of their souls, so that they no longer feel the suffering of the other inhabitants of this planet, to make their life "viable" in this system where every 3 seconds a child dies of hunger and an adult dies of "repressed pain" through diseases such as cancer... In short.., so that the person can adapt to this unjust death system... Yet, to ask our children to adapt to this system is to ask them to kill their souls that could attain immortality in this life!
I hope you have no doubt about the value of the culture we live in! We must recognize that somewhere we are less evolved than the animals because we collaborate with this system that is destroying everything on earth including the future of our children whom we pretend to love!!!
If you have doubts, understand that no animal asks its children to sacrifice themselves! We are the only ones!
Conclusions: Using techniques like reïki, or any other energetic techniques without questioning your life, without exploring your anger, your sadness and your inner monsters, without transmuting in you the pillars of the patriarchal culture (beliefs and ways of life based on possessions) can make you lose your soul, which is not dramatic since your Spirit is immortal! But do you know the difference between your soul and your Spirit? For it is all there...
4/ This means that "healing the soul", i.e. "bringing it home", means healing it "at least theoretically" from the pillars of so-called patriarchal cultures. "At least theoretically" means "intellectually understanding" that the pillars of patriarchal cultures are the opposite of the laws of evolving love. For example, one can understand how possessiveness and exclusivity in the love relationship lead to a lot of avoidable sufferings, and at the same time one cannot live this freedom in one's love relationship. "Bringing a soul home" means "bringing it back to its Divine Consciousness".If you understand well the history of Earth Gaia and her souls, you will understand that souls have consciously left the Divine worlds. So, if they want to go back there it must be a Conscious choice!
5/ The Human Mission!
Do you believe that man is evil? One might think so, but no. Very few people know that if Humanity is at this point, it is because almost all humans are inhabited by entities that push them to suffer as much as possible.
Among the already very few people who know this, almost none of them know that in fact these entities are the best friends of men (and women) because they cling to the cracks in our auras to show us where we must work!
The bodies of human beings are there to serve as bridges between the Divine worlds and the worlds of very low frequencies. If it is true that almost all humans are more or less possessed, the entities that possess them attach themselves to their aura and want to enter their bodies because in fact it is their way home! Indeed, our cells are inter-dimensional doors that allow these entities to "go home". But as long as WE DO NOT DO THIS WORK, as long as WE DO NOT SERVE AN ARCH OF ALLIANCE, THESE ENTITIES WILL HAVE TO SUFFER A MAXIMUM TO REACH THEIR END: to make us Arches of Alliance that are there to fulfill the Divine pact that says that every living being is eternal and will one day return "home". And this is done in particular thanks to cellular respiration or quantum respiration!
The species must and will mutate or it will self-destruct... this mutation is called Ascension... it's already happening.
To know that this ascension will bring us the key to the keys, is to know the State of Spirit of the Divine (optimum consciousness), so that when we visit the worlds of the invisible (via ascension, in dreams, by a shamanic method, or after "death"), we can know if we are really connected to a being or to an "Optimum/Divine" environment.
And this state of mind is almost the exact opposite of patriarchal (anti-divine) values... Religions have thus given us a wonderful gift by showing us the way, which is almost the exact opposite of what they teach... Your Spirit is eternal. But everything in you that is in harmony with the cultures of anti-divine (patriarchal) religions is going to be recycled... Because you really have to be far from life to follow a culture of religions that claim that the more you suffer in this life, the more chances you have to go to heaven later...
We live in a kind of interactive video game, a kind of school to teach you to develop your sensitivity, a school for Gods and Goddesses. One of the many goals of this school is to make you understand how the Divine laws cannot be transgressed under any circumstances. Because if one day you want to regain your Divine powers, then creation must be sure that you are well aware of the suffering to which any transgression of these Divine Laws leads. It is because no one transgresses the Divine Laws in the Divine Worlds that they are Divine! That is why you experience a world that is exactly the opposite of the Divine Worlds... In order to show you all the suffering, injustice and destruction to which it leads....
If you can't grasp how the information on this site is fair, logical and unassailable, then enjoy life, because soon you will have to leave Earth Gaia body and soul... This planet is going to become a great school and the adult souls who stay here must have proved that they are not too corruptible so that we can put the child souls in their hands.
Don't be afraid, your Consciousness is immortal... But if you don't choose where you want to go in the afterlife, someone will choose for you! Makes sense!
Shamanism is there to train oneself to pass the filter of death "while alive" and that's why true shamanism (the one that questions your life until it is in harmony with Life) is forbidden since the Inquisition!
Shamanism is the death of religions, since it's the only religion that allows everybody to connect individually and no longer have to believe in the so-called "spokespersons of the divine" that are priests, rabbis, imams, lamas etc.
On the other hand, if you vibrate and feel this bond that is strengthened by this information, if you feel within you the warrior ready to fight against yourself even if it means being rejected by all those who have already given up, so that the children have a future... Then, know that the time has come to bring the house "down here". For Ascension is above all the descent of your Spirit into your body... And the descent of the Spirit to Earth through your body... You will find here the essential to find the essence of heaven...
However, not all souls want to make this connection at this precise moment of their existence and it is their right! They still serve creation in another way! It is therefore quite understandable for those who do not feel ready, to do everything possible not to feel the cries of their soul, not to explore their monsters and their inner emotional hells and therefore to do energy boosts to fly over the wounds of their soul. This is what most people do in the new age 1.0 and that is fine! This site is dedicated to the very few people who want to make this connection as well as to those who want to understand what goes on behind the scenes of Humanity!